Course curriculum

    1. πŸ‘‹ Welcome!

    2. πŸ“ How to Navigate this Course

    3. πŸ† Course Goals

    4. πŸ“‹ Pre-course Survey

    1. πŸ“š Learn: Customization Overview

    2. πŸ“š Learn: Timeline

    3. πŸ“ Test Your Knowledge

    4. 😎 Now You Try

    1. πŸ“š Learn: Branding

    2. πŸ“š Learn: Notifications

    3. πŸ“ Test Your Knowledge

    4. 😎 Now You Try

    1. πŸ“š Learn: Health Log

    2. πŸ“š Learn: eMAR

    3. πŸ“ Test Your Knowledge

    4. 😎 Now You Try

    1. πŸ“š Learn: Review Types

    2. πŸ“š Learn: Note Categories

    3. πŸ“š Learn: Tag Labels & Options

    4. πŸ“š Learn: Role Permissions

    5. πŸ“ Test Your Knowledge

    6. 😎 Now You Try

    1. πŸ• Customization 101 at Camp DocNetwork

About this course

  • Free
  • 24 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Instructor Gabriela Granados

Gabriela is a public health practitioner turned customer education designer and strategist. She works as the CX Learning & Development Coordinator on the DocNetwork Training Team. She's excited to bring together her unique blend of experiences in behavioral science, program evaluation, project management, and curriculum design into the tech world to execute training initiatives that bring solutions to clients. In her free time, she enjoys embroidery, cooking, cuddling with her cat, and running her side-hustle baking business.