Course curriculum

    1. πŸ‘‹ Welcome!

    2. πŸ“ How to Navigate this Course

    3. πŸ† Course Goals

    4. πŸ“‹ Pre-course Survey

    1. πŸ“š Learn: Imports Overview 🧐

    2. πŸ“š Learn: Group Structure

    3. πŸ“ Test Your Knowledge

    4. 😎 Now You Try

    1. πŸ“š Learn: Profile (Participant) Spreadsheet Introduction

    2. πŸ“šLearn: Download a Participant Spreadsheet Template

    3. πŸ“ Test Your Knowledge

    4. 😎 Now You Try

    1. πŸ“š Learn: Import File

    2. πŸ“ Test Your Knowledge

    3. 😎 Now You Try

    1. πŸ“š Learn: Errors & Conflicts

    2. πŸ“š Learn: Import Checklist

    3. πŸ“š Learn: Incorrect Import

    4. πŸ“ Test Your Knowledge

    5. 😎 Now You Try

    1. πŸ“‚Imports 101: The Final Test

About this course

  • Free
  • 22 lessons


Instructor Phil Owen

Phil Owen, the Client Training Manager at DocNetwork, leverages over 16 years of nonprofit experience to assist organizations in maximizing their impact. With a passion for creating engaging learning environments, Phil is dedicated to helping clients utilize tools effectively. Outside of work, he enjoys time with his wife and five mostly grown kids, caring for his pets, and secretly indulging in his love for wrestling as well as cheering on Michigan football.